5 Benefits of Eating Mangos

Mangos is an incredibly delicious fruit to enjoy in the summer. No wonder Mangos are often hailed as the ‘king of fruits’. Like many other fruits such as apples and plums, mangos are diverse with hundreds of varieties from very creamy and sweet to citrusy taste. Mangos are crowned as the national fruit in 3 countries India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.  

As you might have guessed, mangos are full of healthy vitamins and minerals. According to the British National Health Services (NHS), an adult person needs 40mg of Vitamin C daily. And normal one cup of mango contains around 60mg vitamin C. But there is much more to go when it comes to the health advantages of eating mangos. Let’s find 5 major health benefits of mango besides being a good source of vitamin C.

1. Good For Digestion

Mangis can support your digestive system to be stable and smooth because they contain dietary fiber and digestive enzymes like amylase which help to break down complex carbohydrates into smaller molecules for digestion. Fiber components help to avoid constipation.

2. Good for Healthy Skin

Mangos have vitamins A and C which are essential elements to keep human skin healthy. Vitamin A helps in minimizing wrinkles and blemishes while vitamin C is key for collagen production, a protein that helps keep skin firm and youthful. Vitamin C is essential for regular skincare and mangos could be a good source of it.

3. Good for Hair Health

Changing lifestyles in modern times have made many people, especially younger ones constantly worry about their falling hair and other hair-related problems. Loaded with rich nutrient content mangos may help to improve hair health. Enjoying mangos as part of your balanced diet can lead to shiner, stronger, and healthier hair.

4. Good for Eye Health

Mangos have high levels of vitamin A which is pretty essential for maintaining good vision. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in protecting the surface of the eye (cornea) and helps us to see in low light, especially at night time. These days most of us spend hours and hours on digital screens that adversely affect our eyes’ health. Mangos contain rich antioxidants that protect our eyes from harmful blue light emitted by digital screens and sunlight. Certainly, the joy of eating mangos brings a lot of good eye health as well.

5. Good for Immunity

Besides having vitamins A and C, mangos also have vitamin K along with rich minerals that include magnesium and potassium which make a great combination to support our immune system. 


Mangos are a wonder of nature. They are deliciously versatile – you can enjoy them eating fresh, in smoothies or shakes, in salads, or whichever way you want. Having them in your diet can bring a lot of health benefits like improved eyesight, better skin, improved immunity, and digestion. So next time when you see mangos selling in the market, pick them and enjoy all the goodness it has to offer.

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